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What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks?

What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks? - Carolina Value Pet Care

The main diseases we see in cats with fleas come from tapeworms. They get the tapeworms from ingesting the fleas. That's the only way they can get it. The only other way is by eating a small mammal. But the bigger problem we would see with cats is due to cats having a grooming ritual. They will swallow a flea when they start grooming themselves and consequently will most likely get to tapeworms from those fleas. We do see issues with ticks, not to the degree that we typically see in dogs, but we can see some health concerns with ticks in cats as well.

What diseases are associated with fleas and ticks? - Neighborhood Vets Mobile Care

There's a list of about eight that I'm familiar with, including anaplasmosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, rickettsioses, feline infectious anemia, borreliosis, and the list goes on. If you're really interested in specific diseases, you can always search that out, but the bottom line is that they come from fleas and ticks, and flea and tick prevention is really becoming very scientific, and prescription products are very effective.