What should I do if I notice a sudden change in my cat’s behavior? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic
I would make an appointment with the vet or at least call them because there are a lot of things that cats can do that might not seem like a problem, and that might not seem serious at home that can be an indication of an extremely serious issue, so it's best to talk to the vet right away.
Contributed by Kimberly Young DVM
from Countryside Veterinary Clinic
What should I do if I notice a sudden change in my cat’s behavior? - Advanced Animal Care of Mt. Pleasant
A sudden change, any change, whether behavior or some physical attribute, are the things that are really important to us as doctors in knowing when there's a problem and how we should approach it. So the first moment you notice a change in their behavior, that would be the time really to start asking the question and maybe seek out your veterinarian to help you with that.
Contributed by David E Steele DVM
from Advanced Animal Care of MT Pleasant