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How long can worms last inside my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Depending on the type of worm, they can last for several months or even longer. However, it is expected that you would notice some external signs of worm infestation by that point.

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How common are worms in dogs? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Worms are extremely common in dogs, especially in puppies that have not been dewormed enough or stray dogs. However, even pets that have been in a good home for years can develop worms if they are not on a prevention treatment.

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Are worms visible in my dog’s stool and, if so, what do they look like? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Adult worms are often visible in your dog's stool. You might see long, thin white worms or thicker, flat worms, which are more likely to be tapeworms. However, worm eggs are not visible to the naked eye, so it's essential to have your dog tested at the vet to detect worms before they reach the adult stage.

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Are worms painful to my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Worms can definitely cause pain and discomfort to your dog. They can lead to chronic gastrointestinal issues, inflammation of the intestines, irritation, blood loss, and overall fatigue. Dogs with worms often fail to gain weight as they should.

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How might my dog get worms? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Your dog can get worms through two main ways: not being on a prevention treatment and exposure to an environment with worms. For example, if your dog has access to another dog's feces with worms in it, they can become infected. Additionally, dogs can get tapeworms through fleas if they are not on a good flea prevention treatment.

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Why are recheck exams so important? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Recheck exams are crucial because they help ensure that your dog's condition has been fully treated and that no underlying issues remain unaddressed. Without a recheck, there's a possibility that your dog may not fully recover and may require additional courses of antibiotics or other treatments, which can lead to antibiotic resistance.

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What should I expect from a dog dermatology exam? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

A veterinarian will conduct a thorough examination of your dog's skin, from nose to tail, and will look at the ears, belly, and all other areas. They will also ask for your dog's medical history, including how long the issue has been going on, any correlations with specific times of the year, and what medications your dog has been on.

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