What should I expect at my puppy’s first veterinary visit? - Prestige Animal Hospital

So you should expect a lot of information. So when we first see puppies, we try to go over a lot. So we try to reinforce that at future visits because I know when you're in the office, it can feel almost overwhelming having that first puppy. You should expect the veterinarian to do a thorough examination from head to toe as they look for any ecto or internal parasites, such as fleas and ticks. Internal parasites could be worms. They might be stuck underneath the tail.

Contributed by Sudeep Wahla DVM from

How do I know if my cat has eaten something toxic to them? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

If the illness can be traced back to the addition of a new ingredient or food or something along those lines, that is when I would become suspicious. To answer one specific set of signs that can say, oh, that means your cat ate something bad, I can't do that because it just depends on what they ate. Certain foods can be toxic to an animal's gastrointestinal system. Some can be toxic to their heart and some can cause skin any issues. It just depends on what they ingest in order to be able to answer that.

Contributed by Scott J. Broussard DVM from

How do I know if my cat has eaten something toxic to them? - Haines Road Animal Hospital

So that's hard because so many of the toxins can lead to different things, but I would say definitely monitor for his or her appetite level, his energy level, and any vomiting or diarrhea I would definitely take him into a veterinarian and see what's going on.

Contributed by Dr. Julie Mosher from

Can changing my cat’s diet suddenly cause harm? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Yes, typically very transient and mild harm, but yes. The most common thing we see is when a diet has changed abruptly is gastrointestinal signs. What does that look like? Some cats can vomit, but more often they'll have diarrhea. So if you do have to make a change, or if you're planning on making a change, just do it gradually over the course of maybe a week. Use this period to gradually mix the new food in slowly, giving more and more of the new food to make sure that they tolerate it.

Contributed by Scott J. Broussard DVM from

Can changing my cat’s diet suddenly cause harm? - Haines Road Animal Hospital

Yes, they can, just because they get so used to eating one certain diet. I would recommend that we slowly transition the diet over one to two weeks, just to prevent any gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea.

Contributed by Dr. Julie Mosher from
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