What are some signs that my dog is in pain? - Advanced Animal Care
Everybody thinks of the obvious ones; maybe your pet is limping, or they're favoring a leg. Perhaps they've got a minor cut on their side or something like that; perhaps they're licking it, nursing it, chewing on it. But some things can even be more subtle like maybe they're not eating as much as they used to, or they’re not eating at all. Maybe they're panting a lot, they're shifting a lot, or they can't seem to get comfortable. They're constantly getting up, turning around, laying down, but can't find that comfortable spot. Maybe they're just not acting themselves. Maybe their personality has changed a little bit, or they even seem a little lethargic. Those can all be signs your pet may be experiencing pain.
Is there anything I need to do in my home environment for my dog’s allergies? - Advanced Animal Care
Depending on what your dog is sensitive to, regularly laundering their bed is wonderful. Many owners forget to wash their pets' beds, and sometimes that can be the source of the allergens that cause the allergic reaction. They say that skin cell turnover in dogs is about every 21 days, so veterinarian dermatologists recommend bathing your dog at least once a month, if not every three weeks. That can help a lot, too.
Sometimes if you notice them licking their feet, it can be just as simple as wiping off their feet with a wet washcloth right after they come in from outside. But there's a whole slew of things. Keeping the house clean, vacuumed, all of that good stuff, and keeping them on prevention, too, would be helpful. Once fleas get in your home, they're tough to get rid of.
Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Advanced Animal Care
Besides things like bathing therapies, the Omega-3 Fatty Acids in my mind would run into the holistic end of things. We don’t recommend applying essential oils or things like that directly to your pet because those can be pretty irritating to their skin. If you find a product that you may want to try, the best thing to do is call your veterinarian. Worst case scenario, they may find something in there that they say, "I'm not totally comfortable with this product, but maybe let's try this one."
Can I give my dog Benadryl for allergies? - Advanced Animal Care
It's something that you could try. I tend to tell most of my clients that I like Benadryl for those acute allergic reactions. You think about getting stung by a bee, or maybe you have a course of hives or something like that. I like Benadryl for those things, but we don't find that Benadryl tends to be as effective as some other things out there for long-term allergy management.
I do recommend Zyrtec to a lot of my patients, too. And that's something that owners can get inexpensively at the drug store or the pharmacy, which can help manage long-term allergies or maybe seasonal allergies. My dogs are on Zyrtec from March through October, but the best thing to do is get an appropriate dose for it from your veterinarian.
What medicine is safe for dogs with allergies? - Advanced Animal Care
There's a lot out there. Many of the products that we have here on the table are safe for just about any pet. Of course, these topical products are all going to be safe, even if your pet maybe has a heart murmur, or you were monitoring their liver values, or dental disease, or things like that. These topical products are going to be safe for any pet and can be super effective.
My next favorite is going to be these Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and the reason why I like them for a pet who may have some other issues is they are all-natural. They just replace some of the natural anti-inflammatories in the body, but we use things like Apoquel and Cytopoint quite frequently in dogs of all shapes and sizes that have all kinds of conditions. And they do well.
How are flea and insect bites on my dog treated? - Advanced Animal Care
The best way is to actually prevent them, and that's what I love about these preventions right here. These products have the most recent or newest drug class in them to manage fleas and ticks. It's the isoxazoline class, which is a mouthful. And when I say newest, the drug class has been on the market for at least the past five to eight years. They're not brand new. There's a lot of research to go with them, but they are effective. And they do an excellent job of killing fleas and ticks that might get on your pet.
Now, the thing is, is they do have to get on your pet and bite them to uptake the medication, but they are wicked fast at killing them. Usually, there's the death of the parasite within two to 12 hours, which is awesome. If we can prevent the bite from happening, that's the first place to start because all it takes is one bite to trigger a reaction in some pets. We generally call that flea allergy dermatitis, and what it is is they're allergic to the flea’s saliva, so that's what we want to try to prevent.