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Do puppies need to drink water? - Advanced Animal Care

They do. And some puppies don't know they do. One, if they get weaned a little too early or if they've recently been weaned, they may not realize that they need to take the time to drink and understand what drinking is. So you may have to work with them by introducing them to the water bowl, kind of putting some on their face, and having them realize what they need to do with it. Other times, puppies are a little too busy and preoccupied with playing to take time to drink. So make sure that your puppy is adequately drinking water.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

What kind of food should I feed my puppy? - Advanced Animal Care

There are a lot of varieties out there. And so you want to stick with something that your vet has recommended and that you're comfortable with—large breed, small breed—there are a lot of different types of products out there. And so some of these puppies that are going to be a larger breed adult are going to need to be on a large breed puppy food versus the ones who are going to be a small breed are going to need to be on a small breed food or a regular type that have the smaller kibbles.

Check with your vet. I'm a big Purina fan. So I do like the Purina Pro Plan variety. This guy is on a Purina Pro Plan large breed puppy food; as you can see, he's enormous. He needed that for his overall bone health. You certainly want to talk to your vet and ensure that you're feeding them the right thing. Because food is where they start, it's going to be something that affects their lives overall.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

Can I give my puppy regular milk? - Advanced Animal Care

No. Cow milk and dog milk are not the same things. And so if you are going to be getting your puppy milk if you got it whenever it was young or something along those lines, and it still needs that, make sure that you're getting a puppy milk replacer, which is available at a lot of different hardware stores, pet supply stores, Walmart, and other places like that. You don't want to feed cow milk as that will cause them to have an upset belly. It's not going to be near as nutritionally supportive.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

At what age does a puppy no longer need to be bottle-fed? - Advanced Animal Care

Puppies can be on puppy food as early as four weeks old. They're going to benefit most from their mother's milk, which has the overall support they need for those first several weeks to get proper immunity and have excellent bone strength. And so, usually, by the time they're four weeks old, they don't need to be on puppy milk anymore, or at least not as their sole diet.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from

How long does it take a puppy to wean from their mother? - Advanced Animal Care

That's variable as far as breeder preferences go. But most of the time, it's going to take about two weeks or so for the puppy to completely stop nursing on mom and be solely on puppy food. And they may be having to supplement things, but usually, between four to eight weeks, they're getting weaned.

Contributed by Sarah Crank DMV from
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