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What should I do if I miss a dose of my cat’s heartworm prevention? - The Drake Center

You should just go ahead and give the next dose. Alert your veterinarian that you missed a dose. If you live in an area with high incidence of heartworm disease, they might recommend a test. But you should just keep giving the dose. In fact, even if a cat has heartworm disease, we still keep them on the preventative because we're preventing more worms from developing. It's not wrong to give the next dose, but talk to your vet about it.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

Can I do anything in my cat’s environment to reduce the risk of heartworm? - The Drake Center

Keeping your cat indoors will greatly reduce the risk because you're going to have fewer mosquitoes in your indoor environment. That doesn't mean a mosquito can't come into your house now and then. I kill them from time to time in my own house. But keeping them indoors does lower the risk of heart disease and cats.
Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

Are there any holistic or over the counter cat heartworm prevention? - The Drake Center

No, nothing works. If you could put your cat in a bubble so they would never get bit by a mosquito, that would be great, but obviously, that's not plausible.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

Can prevention be used to clear a heartworm infection? - The Drake Center

No, it differs. Prevention entails preventing the disease. It's not going to treat the cat if they already have heartworms. Like I said before, there is no treatment for heartworm in cats. There are treatments for the side effects that they cause, but there's no treatment to kill the actual worm.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

Does my cat still need a heartworm test if they are on prevention? - The Drake Center

No, we typically don't test cats. Especially as a kitten, we just start the prevention. The only reason that I would recommend a test is if they're having symptoms. If they're having breathing problems or GI upset, then we might want to test for heartworm. But it's not something that we would routinely test every year, at least not in our area in California.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

How effective is heartworm prevention for cats? - The Drake Center

It's completely preventable if you are diligent about giving it at the recommended time. If you give an oral preventative once a month and you never falter from that, your cat will not get heartworm disease. It's a hundred percent preventable.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from

When should I start heartworm prevention for my cat? - The Drake Center

This is a great question because it depends on where you live in the country. Heartworm isn't a common disease in California. It's much more common in the Midwest, along the Mississippi River, the Gulf Coast, and the East Coast. So it depends on where you live as well as the lifestyle of the cat. If the cat lives outdoors, they should be on prevention year-round, especially if you live in those areas. I would start it when they are kittens as young as eight weeks.

Contributed by Heather Kovacevich DVM from
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