Does my kitten need vaccinations even if I keep them inside? - Modern Vet Care
Yes. I still recommend vaccines, and I even give my own cats vaccines yearly, even though they are indoor cats. They could still be exposed to different viruses and diseases. Again, rabies is required by law, so that's also recommended for indoor cats.
What vaccinations does my kitten need? - Modern Vet Care
There are a few core vaccines that you can discuss with your veterinarian, including rabies, which is required by law. There is a combo vaccine called FVRCP that protects them against a few different types of viruses. That is recommended as well. Then there is a FeLV vaccine. Based on your cat's exposure, your veterinarian will discuss those vaccines and recommend what's appropriate.
How often does my kitten need to go to the veterinarian? - Modern Vet Care
While they're young, around eight weeks, they will be going quite often, potentially every three to four weeks. We complete the series of vaccines in the first few months of their life. After they're fully vaccinated and if they get spayed or neutered, it'll usually be a yearly exam. But initially, there are quite a few kitten exams and visits to the veterinarian.
What should I ask my veterinarian at my kitten’s first appointment? - Modern Vet Care
That's a great question. You can ask any question that you like or think of. I recommend asking about kitten behavior and what to expect as they grow in your house. You can also ask about the vaccines, when they will be due and why we give them. You can ask about spaying and neutering your kitten, as well as monthly preventatives. You can even ask how to introduce them to other pets that might be in your house or other family members.
What should I expect at my kitten’s first veterinary visit? - Modern Vet Care
At your kitten's first veterinary visit, you should expect that your veterinarian will perform a full exam on your kitten. We will also take their weight and temperature and listen to the heart and lungs. We might recommend some vaccines depending on age and previous medical history. We may recommend a fecal test or a FeLV-FIV snap test. So there may be some testing or vaccines recommended as well.
Does a microchip ensure my cat will be found? - Checkout Veterinary
Unfortunately, there are no guarantees that your cat can be found, but if the cat is located, a microchip is your best bet to get the cat back home with you.
Who else can scan my cat’s microchip if they get lost? - Checkout Veterinary
Some police and sheriff's departments have microchip scanners, and almost every veterinary clinic will have one. The first thing we do if a pet is brought to us, whether it is a dog or cat that somebody has found, is scan for that microchip. If we find one, we contact the database where the microchip is registered, so they can start phoning you and getting your cat back home.
Do all shelters scan for microchips? - Checkout Veterinary
Nearly every shelter I know has a microchip scanner and is more than happy to use it. They want your cat back home because there are enough cats in shelters, and they're really not looking for additional cats. They want your cat back with you.