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Webinar Wednesday Replay: Dr. Peter Weinstein

Webinar Wednesday Replay: Dr. Peter Weinstein


On Wednesday, Aug. 5th, 2020, Dr. Peter Weinstein, the Executive Director for the Southern California VMA and Owner of Simple Solutions for Vets, joined GeniusVets Co-Founder, David Hall, for a wide-ranging discussion that was both well attended and well received. For anyone who missed it, or wants to see it again, the replay is now available here:







Webinar Transcript


With your ultra-busy life and many responsibilities, could you share what things have played an important role in helping you get things done?

I think prioritization and delegation. I do tend to look at getting the most important things done. I'm also very much a creature of habit. My morning is relatively predictable, and my days tend to be predictable. I try to stay on time and on schedule, so I think what helps me is good time management, organization skills, and knowing where things are. Always knowing where your keys are so you don't have to look for them. So I think all of those things allow you to get a lot of work done. I also think if you give up sleep and eating it's a much more productive day.


You mentioned morning routines. What's your morning routine like?

Pretty straight forward. I mean, the alarm goes off the same time virtually every day, or my body wakes up at virtually the same time every day. With any more than six and a half hours of sleep, I'm just lying in bed waiting for something. So I know that no matter what time I go to bed, my body is going to wake me up in six and a half hours. You take care of the morning routine in the bathroom, and you have breakfast. I usually go and do a little bit of work at home before I head into the SCVMA offices. I try to stay within a schedule, and, in doing so and being able to go on autopilot, it allows your brain to kind of not be stressed in the morning so that you have some freshness for the rest of the day.

The other thing I tend to do is listen to books or podcasts on the way to work so that I'm picking up information whenever I can, and I would do the same thing at the gym when I go and work out or any other time that I can tune into something. It is trying to use time effectively and efficiently as much as I can.


Do you have any particular tools, apps, or programs that help you stay on track and structure your day and time?

I still use a pencil and paper, or pen and paper. I really don't use technologies all that much. I'm a big Mac person, and Mac in terms of Macintosh, not Big Mac McDonald's. I still routinely just write down lists of things that I need to do. So it's just pen and paper. I have never been able to get comfortable using an online calendar. It helps to get the reminders that I have a GeniusVet interview pop up on my calendar, but the rest of my calendar is written on paper.


How do you mentally categorize tasks into things that you want to delegate versus the things that you know that you need to take on?

What do I want to delegate is everything. What I want to take on is more of the visionary type of ideas. I want my team to be able to pick up and handle the day-to-day operational things, the things that are fairly, excuse me for saying it, but mundane. I would really like to be focusing down the road. So I like to be the one who's looking through the windshield and let somebody else take care of all of the other things that need to be done.

At the association offices, I've got a great team here to help me do that. In my other businesses, I'm pretty much everything. So I do try as much as I can to be as effective and efficient in my time. So when I've got a lot of energy I try to use that for processing thoughts and vision work, and when I'm starting to get a little bit foggy, I work on those tasks that don't necessarily require as much brainpower.


What kinds of things have the SoCal VMA adopted to serve the veterinary community throughout COVID?

So in California, we were sent into shelter home 126 days ago, but who's counting? At that point in time, I looked at the SCVMA and we had to recalibrate the way we did things. We had a lot of live continuing education programs scheduled. We had all sorts of face-to-face type opportunities that were being shut down, and so we couldn't do them anymore. So I said, "What would I want as a veterinarian?" Because my first role, my first life, and my degree (one of my degrees) is in veterinary medicine.

I looked at my colleagues and said, "What can I do for my colleagues as if I were on the receiving end?" So I looked at getting as much information into their hands on dealing with COVID for staff safety, financial information, and all other moving parts. I flooded email boxes and our community lister with information that our members could use, to the point that people said, "Slow it down. I can't keep up with everything you're saying." But you know what? I'd rather give them a fire hose so that they get some water than give them a garden hose and they may miss a drink.

So we gave them a lot of information and then we retooled all of our live CE to virtual CE. We got plenty of support from our sponsors to do one hour, one and a half-hour lunch meetings, and one and a half-hour dinner meetings. So instead of doing a six-hour Sunday live face-to-face event, mano a mano, we went to flat-screen LCD projections, Zoom meetings, and everything else. So we have done every week since COVID hit a virtual clinical CE program and/or a virtual management program because the members were worried about losing the CE credits.

So we got them continuing education credits. We got them information about banking. We got them information about tax responsibilities as well as how to apply for PPP loans. I said, "You know what? This is what I would want to know if I were in practice, and so I'm going to give it to my members."

Then the two other things we instigated...we instigated a weekly town hall meeting, which is basically a Zoom meeting open to anybody in the membership who wants to log in. It's usually Thursdays, Wednesdays, or Thursdays at lunch. We invite people to come in, and we usually have discussion points and we focus on different things. Today we're going to have some of our leadership talk about what's going on in the state and what's going on locally. So we instituted the town halls every week. Then we also started with a daily update, and now it's a twice-a-week update of the things that are going in the profession, the things that are going on locally, and I add a paragraph or two or three about how I see things and where we're headed.

So I focused on escalating communication to the highest levels so people felt that they weren't being left behind.


What have you seen in terms of if you're taking the CE online and changing from the live events to virtual events—how has attendance been and have you faced some challenges there?

The attendance has been surprisingly good, depending on the topic. I mean, it's really topic-specific. We did an event on Tuesday at lunchtime, so 12:30 in a very busy business environment right now. It was on renal disease and we had 85 people. Then actually we had had 105 RSVP. So I'm not disappointed with 20 no-shows when I get 85 people. On average, these lunch meetings that we've been doing have had 60 to 65 people at a lunchtime meeting on a Monday or Tuesday. It's really been very acceptable from that standpoint.

The chapter meetings, which are local educational meetings which are in the evening, have had better than average turnouts as well because I think people want to be connected. I think that we're providing that platform through education to feel connected. Even if you can't be there to give somebody a real hug, and I don't think you can get oxytocin from a computer monitor, but I think they're getting it from the virtual opportunities that we're providing.

I'm not disappointed and the sponsors haven't been disappointed. If we did these in the evening I think we'd probably push 100, 150 people, but I'm also very respectful after long days of work to put somebody in front of a computer monitor for an hour and a half. We have to just make some decisions.


How does that compare to the turnout of the live events?

Our live events, again, depending upon topics will range anywhere from 100 to 250 depending upon what the topic is. So if we have world-class speakers with great sponsorship we'll push 200, 250 people in our LA venues.


So with your businesses, Simple Solutions for Vets and Paw Consulting, you've been able to work with and coach numerous veterinary practices through the first half of 2020. What are some examples of business processes that you think vets are particularly struggling with now and what are some solutions that you're seeing vet practices implement to win back some efficiency?

Your discussion on efficiency is right up my alley because that's really what I’m keeping a close eye on. I think what's happened is on February 28th we were in one place and on March 1st the world changed, and maybe a little bit later in other parts of the country, but everything changed. I was in Oregon on March 7th, 8th, and 9th. I flew home on March 10th, and all of a sudden everything was different. We went from the classic delivery of veterinary medicine to the curbside delivery, wearing PPE.

I think what it showed us is how poorly the veterinary profession was ready for change. Change in veterinary medicine had been glacial. I think what happened is we were forced to change but we didn't take the time to train for the change, and we have never taken the time to appropriately train for the services that we provide, and it is so much chaos in the delivery model of veterinary medicine. I do a lot of talks, as you probably are aware, and frequently I will start some of my talks with the trailer for Groundhogs Day with Bill Murray, the movie.

That's how the veterinary profession was. They got up, they did the same thing every day, they went to sleep, they got up, did the same thing every day, and then all of a sudden things changed and they weren't ready for it. I think a lot of those inefficiencies are the reason that veterinary hospitals and veterinarians and staff are burned out now. They are carrying the burden of a changed business model with a high risk of a virus that they can't see, with pet owners who are highly stressed for a variety of reasons. It's just like walking around with another 20 or 25 pounds on your shoulders, and we really need to take a step back and think about how can we be more effective, more efficient in the deliveries that we do.

My messaging is we need to learn how to leverage our team. We need to learn how to delegate. Doctors only have to do three things, according to the practice act. Technicians have a limited number of things that they are licensed to do. Everybody else can be chipping in, but we never taught people how to get a history really well, or how to answer a phone appropriately.

I joke that a new hire fills out their paperwork and they get 15 seconds of training and then say, "Go answer the phone. Go put in a catheter, go help the doctor." And I think hopefully what we can learn from the forced change is how to prepare for change down the road. The way to do that and the necessity of leadership is a huge shortfall in the veterinary profession as well. I think we have a lack of leadership, and that's why many practices are suffering, and those practices that are most successful have very strong leaders at the top.


What are some of the changes in the veterinary field that are here to stay and which ones do you think are temporary?

Well, I hope PPE is temporary.

I think curbside care to a limited degree will become an option for clients. We had clients who didn't even really want to go into the exam room when I was in practice and they would just sit in the lobby and let us do everything. I think the increase in drop-off services will continue. I think that the advocacy for telehealth in some way, shape, or form has been higher over the past four months. I think it'll flatten out and become another service that practices will offer. I also think that the recent increase in the use of online pharmacies and online stores will continue to grow.

I think what's going to be interesting to see is whether practices will go back to doing full-service grooming and boarding, because they're labor-intensive and they come with a high cost, and they've been able to deliver and be busy without some of those services, and some practices who've cut them out. I think, and I hope, that the leveraging of staff to do more will continue to grow and develop.

I also love the use of an online checkout service, where you're checking out people in the car or virtually, so we're not having to go up front. We could spend an hour or more just talking about the things that I'd like to see continue and hopefully the things that we've done in the past change.

The bottom line is we need to move from a doctor-centered business to a client-centered and team-centered business, and this has forced that. This has forced a focus on the healthcare of the team and the healthcare of the clients to prevent the spread of infection. Unfortunately, it took a 100-nanometer virus to change everything that we're doing, when it really just should've taken some good business modeling to make the same changes that can have long-term effects rather than this fault line, living on a fault line disruptive effect. I think we can hopefully learn from this for long-term changes in the profession.


With the insights in your position in the VMA, are there resources that we can direct people to or at least tell people where they should be going to learn more about specific solutions you may be identifying and get them some help in looking into and evaluating how they can implement and do a better job with this in their own practice?

Without calling out any one company over another, VetPartners, which is the national consultants’ group, has plenty of wonderful consultants to tap into. Obviously GeniusVets has resources as well. I think that there have been some really good webinars that have been offered, many of which have been archived through the different organizations that are out there. I think there's going to be more and more continuing education programs. I do want to call out VHMA, the Veterinary Hospitals Managers Association. They're a great resource for the training and education of hospital managers and administrators.

I would look at your state, local, and regional associations for resources that they can provide as well. Sometimes it's really just a network. It's the sharing of ideas. If veterinarians would consider the people with whom they are licensed to be colleagues instead of competitors, we can learn from each other. It's just having a conversation and saying, "Hey, how are you dealing with this? What are the things that we can all do better?" Because it’s a very small profession, and it's very important that we all do well and we take great care of the patients for whom we care and the clients for whom we care because then it sends a great message to the global pet owner population.

The bottom line is there are plenty of resources out there. Find a consultant, find a colleague, phone a friend, do fifty-fifty, I don't care. Just do something to continue to grow and find answers to your questions, as they're out there.


What are all the factors you think are behind the increase in the veterinary business right now? What do you think will happen to client business over the next year or more?

The numbers, at least in tracking some of the reports, do indicate revenue growth, but they don't all indicate transaction growth. In other words, we're making more money seeing fewer patients. When COVID hit, a lot of practices went to what's called essential care. Essential care is those things that’s more urgent and emergent in nature, and some of the well care was kind of delayed or put off. Even the specialty hospitals were putting off some of the less urgent surgical procedures from that standpoint.

I think pet owners who were forced to be at home were more aware of changes in their pets than they had been. I think many of them were continuing to be paid, and some were being paid at higher levels because the unemployment coverage was higher than what they were making previously. So there was still cash coming in. Some of their expenses had gone down. They weren't going out to eat, they weren't going on trips, they weren't buying big-screen TVs. So all of a sudden their pet became their focus.

I think it was imperative for the veterinarians to support the human-animal bond by being there, being available, and taking care of pets. What I'm hearing in talking to colleagues is that they're seeing sicker pets, not just well care, and that those become higher cost but more time-consuming visits, and that's where we're seeing very busy practices.

I joke, and they joke with me, that they would love to see a well puppy or a well kitten visit these days because it just kind of takes some of the edge off. Then we used to joke before that all we see is itchy skin, itchy ears, puppies and kittens and it gets boring. So I think what we've lost is some of the boredom and we're back to practicing medicine, but we're doing it in a compromised efficiency model because clients are parked outside.

We’ve got to get their history here, and we've got to have multiple conversations, and it's not just you and I face-to-face across a table. There's a lot more technology going on, and it's much harder to build a relationship through a flat-screen than it is when you can look at body language and emotions across a table.

So I think we are busy, and it's translated somewhat to better business, but I will be interested to see what happens when the next hiccup occurs, and I would anticipate some time in the fall, some of this will start to dissipate as some of the benefits from Congress run out. We're going to run out of disability pay. People will go from being furloughed and laid off to fired. I think we're going to see some white-collar people who lose jobs to go along with the blue-collar people and other laborers who have lost positions.

I think as kids go back to school virtually at home the focus on having to homeschool and educate, or find a way to have your kids covered so you can go back to work is going to be very disruptive to people, and I think that disruption may take away some of the focus on pets. As a result, this may lead to a normalizing of patient visits. So I think we’re still in a house of cards, living on a fault line in Los Angeles, and we haven't had an Earthquake in a while.


It seems as though the number of pet owners has increased and the number of pets that are in the home. How much of an impact do you think that that is having on this increase?

Yeah, there are definitely more pet owners. The census at the shelters is lower than it's been in years. I think we have new pet owners who don't know what's normal in their pets. So that's time-consuming, that's a lot of communication. A lot of veterinary care is education. Veterinarians, and I am one, weren't the world's greatest communicators, which means they weren't the world's greatest educators. It was a doctor centric business, all that education depended upon the doctor. In a well managed, well-delegated business the doctor doesn't have to be the educator. The team can be the educator or through a website and through social media you can educate your clients as well.

So we have new pet owners uneducated about how to raise their pets, seeing things that they're uncertain of, which then takes more time. I think that one of the comments that I read from a survey that I did of our membership in Southern California was, I want the phone to stop ringing. Who would've ever said, "I want the phone to stop ringing"? Colleagues out there who are watching this, we can't make you happy, okay? So that's the messaging, stop the phone ringing. And in September, when is the phone going to ring again? Or October, whenever the case may be.

I think we've got a whole new world of uneducated pet owners that are coming in with what could be minor problems that escalate or could be real problems that need a boatload of education.


What do you think that veterinary practices should be doing now to prepare themselves and be ready for a potential downturn, whether it's a few months or a year in the future?

The most important things that they can do with their clients is communication, communication, communication. Keep them in the loop and reach out to them. Use the various tools that you have within your practice to let your clients know that you care about them so that they feel loved. You don't need new clients, you just need to take really good care of the ones that you currently have, and any new clients that you get are gravy. You need to take care of your team and you need to make them feel secure that they have jobs and that they're contributing to the ultimate success of your practice. So communication is key.

You need to get your cash under control. Don't put money into large investments in the hospital right now. Put money into the bank so you have it for a rainy day because if things start to take a downturn, you'll still have the same bills but you may not have the same income. So you need a rainy day fund. If you can bank three months of your average revenue as savings somewhere, you have three months of a backlog in case, or cash in case something goes sour.

It's a great time to work on your systems, your processes, and your efficiencies so that when you do hit some tougher times you can control your expenses, you can live with whatever you can maximize in terms of revenue. You can pay your bills, and the best thing you can do is prepare. We enjoy the busyness that we have right now, but are you preparing for the lack of busyness by doing things correctly now so that you'll continue to do them correctly in the future?


What types of things do you think veterinary practices should be doing with their marketing if they want to continue to thrive over the next year and into the next decade?

Well, I wrote a book on retention marketing. You can find it on Amazon, Retention Marketing for Veterinary Professionals. That's my self-promotion there. But clients want to know that you're there and they don't want to know just once every 365 days. So if all you're doing is sending them a reminder email, text, postcard, or letter that their pet is due for an annual visit, you're just giving them a year to find another veterinarian.

What you need to do is on a regular basis (and regular is defined by your client and yourself), reach out to them using the various tools that you have. Social media, text, email, even handwritten letters. Do you want to shock a client? Send them a handwritten letter. That's called delegation, by the way. Doctors, your handwriting is not legible. Have someone else write the letter for you. Send an owl, I don't care, carrier pigeon.

Just reach out to them and give them some education. Your pet is not carrying COVID. There are other concerns that we have in terms of infectious disease. If you're traveling with your pet, here are the things to worry about. It’s really important that you become the go-to source of information and not the 16-year-old working the desk at the pet stores selling a bag of dog food to a cat owner. But you need to stay in touch. If you remember the commercials from, I think it was AT&T, reach out and touch someone?


Some veterinary staff have had to quarantine. Now the business is kind of booming. What do you think we should be doing as an industry to address this veterinary shortage issue?

So there's a short-term solution and a long-term solution, and the better solution is always long-term. In looking at some of the statistics that came out of AVMA last October, most veterinary hospitals are very inefficient in their utilization of their staff. By learning how to delegate, by learning how to share responsibilities, and looking at a team-based healthcare delivery model, the doctor isn't the center of the universe.

So it was actually shown, and I don't have the statistics in front of me, that it would actually be better for many practices to hire one or two technicians - licensed and unlicensed - than it would be to hire a doctor, but that's by learning how to leverage your team. So do we have a shortage of doctors? No, we just have a shortage of the utilization of the doctor and the team to deliver veterinary medicine.

I was talking to a colleague yesterday who has a practice. He was working with one of the associates, who is five years out of school. She’s generating over a million dollars on her own in terms of revenue. In the same practice, older doctors have two or three doctors who are generating $500,000 on their own. What's the difference? She knows how to use her staff to work multiple rooms and communicate with clients. So we have such diversity and differences between the ability of different doctors to handle the workflow that I'm not sure it's the workflow as much as it is the doctor.

We have plenty of doctors out there doing different things. They're getting burned out; they're getting fried. What can we do? Well, we need to sometimes hire and promote from within. We need to give our staff more education so that the animal assistant becomes a certified veterinary assistant, who can become an RVT, who maybe even goes back to vet school, goes to vet school, comes back, and becomes your associate and/or a partner down the road.

We don't create careers, we create jobs. We have to look at how can we create careers in veterinary medicine, and some of that is going to be based upon salaries. We still have a huge discrepancy in what we are paying our team to be able to have a lifestyle to live in a community like San Diego or Los Angeles in many cases.

So we have to learn to hire people with the thought that they will be with us for a long time, which means training them. There's a quote, and I'm going to bollocks it up I'm sure, but it has something to do to the effect that what if I train them and they leave? And the response is, “What if you don't train them and they stay?” That's a problem that we tend to deal with, is we're not giving people an opportunity to grow. We're not giving them the tools to become successful.

I would argue that a lot of the challenges we're facing now are due to inefficiencies, and a lot of the inefficiencies come from lack of training. Now it's kind of like running in quicksand because we never taught them how to run to begin with. So there is a shortage of good staff. We never look outside of the profession to hire. I mean, managers don't have to have worked in the veterinary field. They just need to learn to lead people and manage people.

Many of our client service people would be great if you can hire them from a Target or a restaurant, but guess what? They're making a lot more money at a restaurant and a Target than they are working in the veterinary field. We need to figure out how to increase our profitabilities so there's enough cash to drop through and pay our staff a fair, living, and competitive wage in a world where McDonald's is your best and toughest competitor. They pay well, they've got great benefits. We need to learn how to do things differently.

That was a soapbox answer to your question about the workforce issues, but I think our business models need to just slow down, figure out how to do it better, more effectively, more efficiently, utilizing the people around us, and it doesn't always have to be doctor driven.


In the cases of people who didn’t necessarily go the veterinary route, what do you think they could step in and realistically do, and what's that path look like?

If you have potential employees who enjoy people first and pets second, they can fit in any role that doesn't require a license or certification—if somebody takes time to train them. Hire for personality, train to a level of trust and experience. Some of the best employees that I had never worked in the veterinary field. So it doesn't require past experience, it requires a fit within the culture of the practice. Working with others, trusting others, believing others, and giving the new hires the skills to become successful.

We shoot ourselves in the foot or higher by not taking the time to do a correct onboarding orientation and training. As I joked earlier, way too often if somebody's got a pulse and can fog a mirror, at least one of the two, they can get a job at a veterinary hospital right now, but then we don't give them the tools to become successful. In the case of Ritz-Carlton, it’s six months from the time of hire to the time that they actually connect with a client. With veterinary medicine, it’s six minutes from the time that they're hired to the time they connect with the client.

We need to do a better job of teaching people and giving them the tools to become ultimately successful. There is nobody out there who couldn't work in a veterinary hospital cleaning a cage, walking a dog, answering the phone, counting pills, whatever the case may be if you give them the tools to become successful.


Isn't there a huge opportunity in sourcing urban areas to get the veterinary field to be more diverse, and for the expansion of veterinary practices and the talent pool required to staff them as well?

There are some huge opportunities, but that is a long-term fix. People in underserved communities would like to see people who look like them come to provide care for their pets. So when we go up to South Central, Compton to provide veterinary care, I'm coming from Orange County looking like I do to a population that's vastly black or Hispanic. So we need to get more blacks and Hispanic in the veterinary curriculum, and I know the schools are working on that.

We need to get people in lower-income communities thinking that veterinary medicine is a career and a way out of a lower-income community or a way back into the community to provide veterinary care for their friends and family members, but that is a long-term solution.

We need to be cheerleading for the opportunities. We need to go and do career fairs, we need to go and do school education in some of the lower-income areas, and start to change things so that people want to become veterinarians in areas that they maybe never even knew what a veterinarian looked like or never took their pet to a veterinarian.

So it's a long-term change. We need to diversify the veterinary profession. We need to diversify our staffs and we need to do it slowly, we need to do it correctly, and we need to do it so that there is a great opportunity for a career as a veterinarian and people want to grow up and become a veterinarian and not just a doctor, or an accountant, or a lawyer. That's a global issue but it's an even more specific issue in some of the lower-income areas.

Change comes one person at a time. Individuals within associations locally, within associations statewide, within associations nationally can institute change. The AVMA needs to have a greater focus on diversity. The schools I know have a greater focus on diversity. I think that veterinarians when hiring need to look at that and they need to have diversity, equity, and inclusion policies within their practices.

I will promise you there will come a time when a white client goes into a practice and sees a black veterinarian and says, "Uh-uh (negative), I don't want to see that doctor." Are you prepared for that? Or a client who says, "Yeah, my dog doesn't like black people." Okay, this happens. I can give you examples of it. We need to be prepared for that and we need to have a strong position that says, "We're not going to accept racist behavior." And we really need to have a position that's anti-racist in nature. Now we're getting into politics, but it really takes one person just to start to move things, and it takes one person getting somebody else with them, and that's how a movement starts.

So what we're going to do is we're going to play a little game that’s called “Would You Rather?” So I have this book here and it is 3000 Would You Rather Questions. That's 3000 questions of would you rather this or that. We’re going to have a little fun. I'm just going to flip through the book randomly and I'm going to stop on a page and read you a random would you rather question. I'll hold it up like this and read it to you. So all I ask is that you be willing to be honest with us in telling us what would you rather this or that, okay?

Well, I guess it's better than truth or dare, so go ahead.


Would you rather be a movie critic or a food critic?

Food critic. Although that could be a problem because I'm pseudo-vegetarian; I don't eat a lot of meat. So I'd be hard to be a food critic, but yeah. I would rather go have some good meals than sit through two hours of a movie that I don't really like.

My wife is a full-on vegetarian. I'll still eat fish. We really don't have any meat in the house. We keep trying to find good Blue Apron vegetarian resources but, when we go out for dinner, I'll usually look for fish on the menu. But we don’t have any meat in the house, except for the dog. Meat for the dog, the dog isn't meat.


Would you rather wake up every day thinking you're a different person or wake up in a strange location?

I would rather wake up in a strange location every day. I like the person I am, but I wouldn't mind waking up in a different location and saying, "Okay, where am I and what can I learn today?"


Would you rather have a clone of yourself to help you get it all done or would you rather have a clone of your favorite pet?

Clone of my favorite pet. God, I couldn't live with a clone of myself. I would drive myself crazy. Yeah, one of me is enough for the world, thank you.


What was that pet?

My favorite pet was my first golden retriever named Shana.


What things do you have going on or that are coming up you think people should be aware of or what organizations in the vet industry you think more people should be paying attention to right now?

Well, right now people need to find time for themselves. I don't want to talk about me, I don't want to talk about my businesses. I want to talk about you who are watching this and to recommend that you find time for yourself. Take a day or two off. Disappear, disconnect, get off the radar. You need to get out of this pressure cooker that we're currently living in. So that's my message. Don't forget your family, don't forget your friends. I spoke earlier this week to my aunt. She's 96 years old, she lives in Israel. We did a Zoom call. She sounds like she did 30 years ago. Pick up the phone, reach out to family and friends and just say, "Hey, how you doing?" That's my message.

Dr. Weinstein, thank you so much. This is David from GeniusVets thanking you all who tuned in for Webinar Wednesday. Tune in next Wednesday when our guest will be Dr. Adam Christman from DVM 360.