Your GeniusVets Website Can Help You Hire Like a Genius!

By Harley Orion, CEO

We’ve talked with veterinary practices all over the country, and we hear that many face struggles with hiring and retention – and many of our clients have asked if GeniusVets could help. We’ve listened to your requests, and we have a careers feature for all GeniusVets marketing clients. We’re always excited to build new features that help your practice succeed, such as our job board and recruitment toolkit that independent veterinary practices can use to attract the best of the best. 

Communicating Your Culture

GeniusVets co-founder Dr. Michele Drake, in her own successful practice, The Drake Center, believes that creating a strong practice culture – and showcasing it on your website and social profiles – is a key step in recruitment. Columbia University found that “the likelihood of job turnover at an organization with high company culture is a mere 13.9 percent, whereas the probability of job turnover in low company cultures is 48.4 percent.” A definitive culture bonds employees to your practice – and you can begin establishing that bond with the first impression of your Careers section.

Your GeniusSite: Built for Better Bonding

Just as your website can promote your practice brand to prospective clients, similarly, your Careers section should promote your practice culture to prospective new hires. Your GeniusSite will now help you attract job seekers who fit your culture. Because your Careers section lives on the same website as your staff bios, service offerings, and blog articles, applicants can get a sense of their potential fit before applying. So you’re more likely to attract the highest quality candidates who are already engaged with your brand.

Our New Careers Section Features:

  • Customizable introductory section to tell your practice’s story to potential recruits, with space for video and images

    Use videos to introduce your Career Opportunities


  • List of all potential positions you may want to hire for, with search-optimized content for most common veterinary industry job descriptions, helping you rank higher in job search results
  • Space for images and video testimonials from your existing staff
  • Ability to indicate which roles you’re hiring for – or, keep all job descriptions open all the time, at your preference
  • Ability to link each job post to an Employee Application form or an outside applicant tracking system (ATS)

You’ll have the flexibility to post descriptions for every position that you might ever hire for, even if you’re not actively trying to fill them today. That way, you won’t miss an opportunity to strengthen your team if a perfect fit for your practice comes along! If you’d like, you can accept applications for any position in your practice at all times so that you’re always ready for expansion.


You can showcase every position you'd ever hire for!


Designed with SEO and User Experience in Mind

When an interested candidate heads to your website, they’ll also be able to search for job openings there, using filters for specific roles, addresses for multi-location practices, and more.

This feature also provides space for images and up to four videos on each job description page. These let you visually highlight job requirements and duties. In addition, video is a great format for posting current employee testimonials. This can help “sell” the positions and give future employees a preview of their potential coworkers.


Current employee testimonials help


Go Beyond the Usual “Help Wanted” Ads

Especially if you’re already using a standard job site, why try to attract prospective employees directly through your website? The answer is in your brand and culture – in today’s tight labor market, it takes more than just a job listing to get great employees. If job seekers find your openings on your site, they have the chance to learn more about you than they would on Indeed or Craigslist ... making your GeniusSite Careers section the perfect complement to regular listings. Prospective employees can apply directly online, or we can link to the applicant tracking system you use.

Job Board


The entire GeniusVets Veterinary Marketing Platform is designed to help your business grow. With the Careers section, online job board, and recruitment toolkit GeniusVets can help you find the right hires – so you’ll be ready for all the new clients you’re reaching!

If you don’t yet have a GeniusSite but you’re ready to learn more, be sure to schedule a demo! We can help you see the big picture, including your culture, staffing, clients, and messaging, and help you learn to Market Like a Genius.