VMX 2019 And Our Spotlight On The Independent Veterinary Practice
What a week it was!!!
The GeniusVets co-founders partnered with PSIvet to bring our “Independent 2020” workshop to Orlando this January. We provided insights and strategies -- backed by real, measurable evidence -- for how the independent veterinary practice can use a powerful combination of culture, branding, and digital marketing to not only survive in a climate of consolidation, but also steadily grow.
Our workshop received enthusiastic feedback from the veterinarians who attended! And we’d like to thank our sponsors and partners, PSI, Elanco, Henry Schein, and Royal Canin. Together, we were able to deliver valuable, usable education for practice owners -- and have fun doing it!
In addition to providing our workshop, your GeniusVets team had some exciting meetings, aimed at forming some potential future partnerships. We anticipate new opportunities for providing CE and delivering content. You might look for us in one of your favorite publications, on a frequented industry website, or maybe in person in your town!
VMX 2019 was literally just the beginning of a brilliant year for GeniusVets, our partners, and most importantly our clients. Keep an eye on this space for the latest news and developments, and as always, we encourage you to get in touch with us!