GeniusVets Summit 2018


This fall, your GeniusVets team took a few days to convene and introspect, all in the name of improving what we offer you! The 2018 GeniusVets Summit was a time for us to reflect on how far we’ve come, plus plan for what’s next. We looked at facts, figures, and data, but we considered the human and animal elements of our work as well. Through presentations and breakout sessions, and of course a healthy dose of fun, we set some brilliant (if we do say so ourselves) goals for the year to come so that we can continue to help independent veterinary practices grow.



All GeniusVets eyes on CEO Harley!
All GeniusVets eyes on CEO Harley Orion


The GeniusVets co-founders at our 2018 Summit
The GeniusVets co-founders at our 2018 Summit


GeniusVets 2018 Summit - a breakout session
GeniusVets 2018 Summit - a breakout session




See what some of your GeniusVets team had to say as our 2018 Summit wrapped up:


We also had time to goof off, just a bit, as we pondered technology changes, industry developments, and growth:


Pondering the future of vet med and GeniusVets
Pondering the future of vet med and GeniusVets




Perhaps the most fun of all was when we were able to embrace the spirit of the season with a supply donation to the Rancho Coastal Humane Society. Check out their Wish List, or find out how you can help an animal shelter near you! It will feel so good to give back...because it IS so good! And don’t forget to encourage your clients to donate their time and efforts where they can. It’s a community effort!

(Check out our accompanying music video here! Yep, you read that right: music video!)


The GeniusVets co-founders at RCHS
The GeniusVets co-founders at RCHS


What do local shelter and rescue groups near your practice need?
What do local shelter and rescue groups near your practice need?


The GeniusVets team: doing good and feeling good
The GeniusVets team: doing good and feeling good




Your GeniusVets team is enthusiastic, motivated, and ready to help your independent veterinary practice grow through evidence-based marketing strategies! Reach out to us today to find out more!


Your GeniusVets team is excited to tackle 2019 with you!
Your GeniusVets team is excited to tackle 2019 with you!