
Share a few sentences about your professional background and what drew you to GeniusVets.

I have worked in sales, mostly IT services, for as long as I can remember while also bartending and serving tables on the weekends. I was a bartender with Sam in Jacksonville for a few years and became great friends with him and Anthony, another team member, before he started at GeniusVets. In late 2023, I saw that Sam needed some more sales professionals and decided to join the crew!

What do you love about your role? If you're new to the team, what drew you to this specific role?

I love meeting new people, especially people who are trying to make a difference in the world and reach their goals.

Family Info

I am newly married to my incredibly smart, supportive, and beautiful wife, Tashi.

6 years ago I met my best friend, Brody. He's a playful golden retriever who loves to swim when he's not sleeping on the couch.

Passions or hobbies outside of work

I have been surfing for most of my life, taking the extra time that I have during the week to drive around Florida to catch a few waves and find some tacos for the ride home. I've been collecting a lot of vintage traditional tattoos and tattoo flash to hang on the walls of my office, as it is the only room in the house I'm truly allowed to decorate myself.

What's the best advice you've ever gotten?

If you don't ask, you don't get.

What is one thing you've done that most people have likely never experienced?

I swim with sharks almost every month when I go surfing!

Do you have any hidden talents or skills?

I can play over 10 instruments.

Have you had any funny animal encounters?

Living in Florida, I have always seen manatees. Twice now, I've had to rescue beached manatees that were caught when the tide went out. Those things are HEAVY!

On a Sunday morning, you'll find me…

Eating a breakfast sandwich in the sun.