Dr. Vyvian Gorbea DVM

Veterinarian and Owner

Dr. Vyvian Gorbea is the owner of Plymouth Veterinary Hospital, Inc. She earned her Bachelor's of Science (1986) and Doctor of Veterinary Wedicine degree (1990) from Michigan State University College of Veterinary Medicine. Also, she completed an advanced degree in Cardiovascular Physiology that led to a Ph.D. (1994).

She focuses her interest in small animal medicine, dentistry, and surgery. She has received advanced training in veterinary dentistry, oral surgery and pathology at the Animal Dental Center in Baltimore, Maryland. While she is interested in all life stages of animal health, the special bond between people and “senior” pets is unique for her.

She wants to work with owners to achieve optimum health and quality of life for their pets. She is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Michigan Veterinary Medical Association, American Animal Hospital Association, American Veterinary Dental Society, and World Vets. She enjoys spending time with her family and her rescue dog Rambo, as well as traveling. Dr. Gorbea is also fluent in Spanish, as her roots are buried in Puerto Rico!

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