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Dr. Ronald Miles

Owner and Owner

Dr. Ronald Miles was born and raised on a small farm in Stetson, Maine, where he helped raise crops, work in the woodlot, and enjoyed riding ponies. His first experience of veterinary medicine is when Dr Ruksznis came to castrate his pony for him when he was 12 years old. He graduated from Central High School in East Corinth in 1987, and went to the University of Maine. In the fall of 1988 he joined the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity, and graduated in 1991 with BS in Wildlife Management, 1992 with BS Pre-Vet Animal Science. He attended the University of Missouri for his veterinary education graduating in 1996. In the spring of 1996 he returned to Maine to start his veterinary career at Sherman Veterinary Service, P.A. He worked for 5 years for Dr Sherman gaining valuable experience and knowledge as a mixed animal practitioner. In 2001 he partnered with Dr Kelly to purchase Sherman Veterinary Service and formed what is now presently Foxcroft Veterinary Services, PA. He continues to practice as a mixed animal vet in the new practice completed in 2008. Dr Miles is the proud father of 6 beautiful children that he enjoys spending time with. During the summer he loves to hike with his wife throughout Maine. He is lucky enough to also be able to consult with his wife on difficult cases and values her opinion. She is a small animal veterinarian and owner of Penobscot Vet in Bangor, Maine. Dr Miles enjoys time outside, hunting, fishing, and of course can be seen riding his horses throught Dover-Foxcroft.

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