Dr. Krystal Burns


Dr. Krystal Burns was born in Hollywood and raised in the City of Los Angeles, CA. At a young age, her mother noticed her passion for leadership, justice and service. In high school, she enrolled at the Glendale Police Department Explorer Program and led the group as a Lieutenant. She pursued an education at Loyola Marymount University and graduated with three Bachelor of Arts degrees in Communication, Chicana/o Arts and Spanish.

A life-changing encounter with a lion diagnosed with epilepsy convinced her of a career that served a community of voiceless lives: animals. She attended Ross University and graduated with a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine in 2018. Her clinical year was spent at Sydney University, Australia. She pioneered the Chi Institute Certification of Veterinary Acupuncture for veterinary students at Ross University and later completed certification in 2019.

Her passions are honoring God, enjoying the outdoors, traveling internationally and appreciating life everyday.

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