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Dr. Alissa Lansing DVM



I grew up in the Midwest and attended veterinary school at Michigan State University, graduating in 2004. I then practiced small animal medicine which included dogs, cats and exotics for three years in North Carolina. During those years I developed a preference for cats and an interest in specializing in feline medicine and surgery. I joined 'All About Cats Veterinary Hospital' in 2007 to pursue that interest.

While growing up I had many pets including dogs, cats, fish and birds. However, my passion was working with horses, and I trained and rode competitively for over ten years. Since moving to Las Vegas, my animal family has downsized to include my Rhodesian Ridgeback 'Rio' who on a daily basis tries to convince all around her that she was born to be a lap dog, and my handsome cat 'Aslan' more often referred to as 'Meatball.' Recently 'Meatball' has been caught practicing his soccer moves with a tennis ball, but denies all accusations of such uncat-like behavior. He always claims to have been sleeping despite eyewitness accounts.

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