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What should I look for in a puppy?

What should I look for in a puppy? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

When I'm choosing a puppy, I like to see a vibrant, interactive, confident puppy. When you're looking at a litter of puppies, which one comes up to you? In the case of a young six, eight week old puppy, you should be able to bend down, make noise and they want to attack you because they want attention. Take note if there's one kind of hanging out in the corner and just like real sheepish and shy or submissive or won't come to you, or God forbid if he's already showing you his teeth or just growling and unsure. I get that you're a stranger, but a puppy shouldn't be responding to you that way. So that makes a big difference and the flip side of that is what I was alluding to.
I like a dog that's very confident and outgoing. I want one inquisitive, who's going to come check me out—one that’s friendly, not aggressive, but I want one that is also very comfortable in their own skin. So that's what I'm looking for personally...regardless of the breed, that's what I'm looking for.

What should I look for in a puppy? - Advanced Animal Care

It depends on your lifestyle and what type of breed you're looking for—a small breed or a larger, giant breed. You want to ensure that the puppy's personality matches what you're able to do for them. It’s also important to know how big they're going to be whenever they're an adult. And I know that can be a little hard if you're getting the puppy from a shelter or a rescue, as they might not know what breed mix they are.

You also don’t want a puppy interfering with housing or anything like that, especially if you’re renting. All of those are things you have to take into consideration whenever looking at puppies.