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Diseases and Conditions: Heartworm Diagnosis in Dogs 101

Diagnosing heartworm disease in dogs and cats involves a range of tests that detect different stages of the heartworm lifecycle and provide valuable information about the extent of the infection. Here's an overview of the diagnostic methods used to detect heartworm disease:

Direct Blood Smear

  • A simple screening test where a drop of blood is examined under a microscope for live microfilariae (baby worms).
  • Limited sensitivity and misses subtle infections.
  • Difil Test and Knott's Test:
  • Concentration methods that detect microfilariae more effectively by concentrating blood samples.
  • Recommended for detecting subtle infections; often included in basic heartworm tests.

Antigen Testing

  • Utilizes highly sensitive tests to detect tiny pieces of adult female heartworm proteins circulating in the blood.
  • Can detect even single-worm infections and occult infections where microfilariae are absent.
  • Diagnoses infections where microfilariae are not detected due to single-sex infections, young resistant female worms, or immunologic clearance.
  • Important for detecting Dipetalonema reconditum infections and recommended annually.

Antibody Testing

  • Particularly useful in cats and infections involving few worms.
  • Detects the host's immune response against the parasite, including infections involving male worms.
  • Often used alongside antigen testing in cat diagnostics.

Radiographs and Ultrasound

  • Radiographs can indicate heartworm infection by showing specific problems in the right side of the heart.
  • Ultrasound can measure heart thickening and visualize live worms.
  • Imaging tests can lead to further antigen or microfilaria testing.

Frequency of Testing

  • Annual testing is recommended for dogs to promptly detect infections and minimize damage.
  • Puppies under five months of age are too young to test positive for heartworm disease.

In regions where heartworm disease is less common, diagnosis may occur during a work-up for heart disease based on imaging tests like radiographs and ultrasound.

Regular testing, especially in endemic areas, is crucial for timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Different tests help reveal different aspects of heartworm infection, aiding veterinarians in providing optimal care for your pet's health.

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