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Does my senior dog still need core vaccinations?

Does my senior dog still need core vaccinations? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Yes, dogs need to receive vaccinations regularly to maintain their immunity to diseases. After a dog turns one year of age, as long as their vaccines have been on schedule, they will receive distemper parvo and rabies vaccines every three years. Lyme, leptospirosis, kennel cough, and flu vaccines are given once a year. Skipping vaccinations can hinder a dog's immune system and increase their risk of contracting diseases, especially for senior pets.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Does my senior dog still need core vaccinations? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, senior dogs still do need to be immunized. As a dog ages, they are potentially going to become a little more immunocompromised and we still want to protect them from common diseases they have risk for. The conversation can change though as a dog transitions from a senior to a geriatric patient, and depending on its other health conditions. Then your veterinarian will discuss whether vaccines are still indicated, especially when we're dealing with a more sick patient, we might start talking about eliminating or changing our vaccine recommendations.