Are there any risks associated with dog vaccinations? - Advanced Animal Care
There can be, just like any vaccines that a human will get. There are risks associated with vaccines. But from our studies, the overall risks do not outweigh the benefits that the vaccines provide. And so, as far as the risks go, you're going to have the possibility of allergic reactions, swelling, or that can be things as far as an actual vaccine-type reaction that can cause some swelling and discomfort down the road. So, there are risks that you have to certainly keep in mind.
Are there any risks associated with dog vaccinations? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital
Yes, there are some risks associated with dog vaccinations as it is a medical procedure. However, these risks are minimal compared to the risk of infectious diseases. Vaccines are very safe, but vaccine reactions or hypersensitivities can occur in some individuals.
The most common reaction to dog vaccinations is an acute hypersensitivity response, usually occurring within the first 30 minutes after a vaccination is given. Symptoms may include weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, acute vomiting or diarrhea. Other reactions may include skin hives, swelling of the face or muzzle, and delayed GI side effects like tiredness or missing a meal. These reactions are rare. Most of the time, dogs act like they have no problems at all. If they do experience reactions, they are usually mild such as aches, low-grade fever, or skin hives.