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Will my dog go under anesthesia during surgery, and who will monitor them?

Will my dog go under anesthesia during surgery, and who will monitor them? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

So there are different types of anesthesia (we have a video on that), whether sedation or general anesthesia. So they will be sedated and/or anesthetized for any kind of surgical procedure. And the second part of that question was who's going to be monitoring them. So the veterinarian that is doing the procedure is constantly monitoring our patients. Because we are focused on the surgery, we’ll also have a trained staff member that will be in the room with your pet, monitoring them physically. The dog will also be connected to monitoring equipment that measures their heart rate, oxygen saturation, their blood pressure. And so, there's a lot of monitoring that goes on. The trained technicians watch the monitors and physically put their hands on the pet, which are both important.

Will my dog go under anesthesia during surgery, and who will monitor them? - Four Paws at Fulshear Veterinary Clinic

Yes, your dog will be under general anesthesia during major surgeries. This ensures they won't feel anything during the procedure.