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My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help?

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Oakdale Veterinary Group

Possibly. There could be a medical issue with your pet. It could be a urinary infection. They could have bladder stones. There could be anxiety. There are many reasons that spaying or neutering would not help but, if they are marking, then yes, changing their hormones could be a big benefit for that. After a full medical workup, then we may recommend that as a way to fix it.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - The Waggin' Train Veterinary Clinic

Maybe a male dog who is becoming territorial. So the answer to that question could possibly be yes. If you had an intact male dog that was urinating in your house, then absolutely I would recommend neutering him and see if that curbs that unwanted behavior. A female is a little less prone to do so based on territorial reasons. Usually you have either a bladder infection or just a not so well trained dog. So they can help is the short answer, but I wouldn't hang my hat on that for certain.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Haines Road Animal Hospital

Spaying or neutering can help because sometimes testosterone and estrogen can affect marking. However, if this is happening, I highly recommend that you bring your animal to the veterinarian because there can be some other medical conditions as well.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Advanced Animal Care

As far as spaying goes, that's not normally something we see in female dogs. In males, it is a territorial marker; something that they have ingrained from way back when. So, by neutering them, you are going to lessen the chances of that happening. If you wait to neuter them later on in life, it is already an ingrained behavior that they are now going to do. Getting them neutered early on does decrease the chances of that happening.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Spaying or neutering can help with excessive urination. However, the effectiveness may depend on your pet's age, as older pets may have more ingrained marking habits. Nonetheless, spaying or neutering will not harm your pet in regards to excessive urination.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

With male dogs, it may help if it's a marking or territorial issue. A lot of that you're probably going to see improvement as your pet gets older. A lot of it's a puppy potty training issue, which typically gets better with age and not necessarily with the spay or neuter.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Possibly. Spaying in female dogs could help with marking behavior related to estrus, but it's often more behavioral. Males, especially intact ones, do a lot of marking behavior. If this behavior has persisted for a while, neutering might help, but it won't always eliminate the behavioral problem. The best way to prevent such issues is to have your pet spayed or neutered at an appropriate young age. If they're an older dog and have already developed this problem, spaying or neutering them is still recommended, but we may need to work with you to address the behavioral issue.

My dog urinates all over the house - will spaying or neutering help? - All Animals Veterinary Clinic

This is not usually an issue with female dogs. However, male dogs may start marking their territory by spraying, a behavior that can be curbed by neutering them early in life. If the dogs are older, it might require additional behavioral training.