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What health issues do I need to look out for in my senior dog?

What health issues do I need to look out for in my senior dog? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

I think the most common health issue in all of our older pets is they cannot see as well as they age. They can not hear as well as they age. They can't get around quite as much. Some of them develop arthritis. Some of them get overweight. And certainly a lot of dogs - especially smaller dogs - are going to need dental care as they age.

What health issues do I need to look out for in my senior dog? - The Waggin Train Veterinary Clinic

This is obviously a pretty broad question. So I would tell you it's impossible to list every single thing that you can look out for. What I will simply say, to answer this question, is you're looking for anything abnormal, such as your dog being slow to get up, having pain going up and down stairs; anything that shows that an animal is affected adversely, whereas they weren't previously, I would have looked at by your veterinarian and addressed.