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What options are there for artificial insemination?

What options are there for artificial insemination? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

So there are two main types of artificial insemination—vaginal and trans-cervical. So vaginal is used for fresh semen. If the stud dog is here and we're using it, or if it’s shipped chilled, if we're having it shipped across the country overnight, we can use those.

And then trans-cervical places the semen all the way into the uterus, past the cervix. And so you have to do that for frozen semen because frozen semen doesn't live as long, so that gives it its best shot to get to where it needs to go. So the shipped semen is not frozen. Shipped is chilled. It usually comes on ice, but it's ready to go from the night before. Whereas frozen could have been frozen 30 years earlier, and you can still thaw and use it.