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Are there any breeds of dogs that are predisposed to needing reproductive services?

Are there any breeds of dogs that are predisposed to needing reproductive services? - Veterinary Village

Oh yes. There are definitely breeds of dogs that need reproductive assistance. Mostly they're the breeds that are the brachycephalics—the short-faced dogs, the Bulldogs, the French Bulldogs, the pugs, some of the other short-faced breeds, and the American bullies. Those are really large bully-type breed dogs. Then there are some other breeds as well in which it may be an age issue. It may be a hip issue. It may be some other kind of health concern. So it's not universally only Bulldogs and bully breeds that need help. Corgis don’t have great success with natural breedings. So we frequently need to intervene with some kind of insemination, collection of the semen, and insemination for the female.

Are there any breeds of dogs that are predisposed to needing reproductive services? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

Many of the smushed-face, brachycephalic breeds need help breeding and whelping and having the puppies, but not all of them. Those tend to be the ones that we watch out for.