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How can I tell if my dog is having complications during labor?

How can I tell if my dog is having complications during labor? - Animal Hospital Of Statesville

During labor. The big four categories. If it's been more than two hours between a puppy. So she's had one, and it's been more than two hours; you need to put it on your radar that there might be a complication. If she's actively been pushing and it's been more than 30 minutes and a puppy hasn't come out. So that's not just laying there and hanging out—that's actively pushing. She should produce a puppy within 30 minutes of that; otherwise, again, it could be a complication. Black discharge at any point is concerning. Green discharge before the first puppy, or if it's excessive, can be concerning. And then blood. Birthing in dogs is actually not a bloody process. So if you see just straight blood, then that should be something you're watching out for.

How can I tell if my dog is having complications during labor? - Newport Harbor Animal Hospital

In a planned breeding, we generally know the due date. If the dog has gone past her due date, there could be complications and it would be advisable to bring the dog in for a check-up. Signs to watch for include extended intervals between puppies or prolonged labor without any puppies appearing.