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Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own?

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

They're never going to go away on their own. Fleas are just going to bite you and your dog. They're going to replicate. They're going to lay eggs. They're going to lay eggs on the dogs and in the environment. They're going to continue to replicate in your home. Ticks may die off and eventually fall off in the environment, but then they're ready to get on another person. Do not rely on the weather or anything else to get rid of them. You're going to need to get some help.

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - The Drake Center for Veterinary Care

Parasites have learned how to live on the pet for their entire lives. They will not go away on their own, so we need to treat them to get rid of them.

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Some can be serious and life-threatening. Most of them will not go away on their own. Coccidia is a protozoan parasite that your immune system keeps in check. If you have a minor case of Demodex, your immune system may keep that under control too. But most parasites have to be treated. They're not going to disappear. You usually have to do something about intestinal parasites, heartworms, fleas, and ticks. I think you'd want to get it taken care of as soon as you saw them or knew that they were around you.

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - Family Pet Veterinary Center

Parasitic infections are usually not going to go away on their own. They do require treatment, which can be topical or oral.

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Parasitic infections are generally unpleasant and can cause various symptoms in your dog, such as itching or bloating. If left untreated, these infections can worsen and cause more severe issues. It's crucial to identify and treat parasitic infections early to prevent complications and ensure your pet's overall health.

Are parasitic infections serious or will they go away on their own? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Parasitic infections can become very serious and usually do not go away on their own. Untreated infections can lead to severe illness, blood loss, and low energy in your pet. It is crucial to get the infection treated as soon as possible.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital