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How do I know who gets the information from my dog’s microchip?

How do I know who gets the information from my dog’s microchip? - Advanced Animal Care

Overall, they're pretty secure. Even though your dog has a microchip, it does not have a direct association with your contact information. So it is just going to be a number. And then once you get that long number, you have to contact the microchip company in order to get more information. It’s not going to be readily available to someone. They're going to have to put in a little bit of effort to find that. You want to ensure that information is up to date, but the microchip company will be the only ones that have access to that. And then they have to have someone prove to them that they found your dog or anything in order to share that information or the microchip company themselves will try to contact you.

How do I know who gets the information from my dog’s microchip? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

The pet hospital or the shelter that implants the chip, you, and the database for the microchip are the only sources of your information. But, yes, if your dog has a microchip and someone scans it, the microchip identification will come up. You can then enter this number on the internet and it will bring up your dog's name, your address, and your phone number.