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Is dog microchipping painful?

Is dog microchipping painful? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

You would think it would be but it’s not. The needle is a little larger than our vaccine needle, but dogs don't complain much at all. Some of them feel it and look around a little bit, others don't say anything. It’s over very quickly, just like a vaccine.

Is dog microchipping painful? - Advanced Animal Care

Just as with any other needle it doesn't feel the best, but most of our dogs tolerate it very well. We have come to find that the needle is very sharp and with a sharper needle there won’t be nearly as much trauma to the skin. And most dogs tolerate it, especially if we add in a little bit of peanut butter or marshmallows.

Is dog microchipping painful? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Dog microchipping is similar to your everyday vaccine. It does require a slightly bigger needle size but most of the time dogs tolerate it fairly well.

Is dog microchipping painful? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

It can be uncomfortable, so we make the process quick for the pet. During a spay or neuter, and other times with sedation, we can also use a small injection of lidocaine in the skin.