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How significant is my dog’s risk for heartworm?

How significant is my dog’s risk for heartworm? - Haywood Animal Hospital

In this area, heartworm disease is very significant. One mosquito bite can transmit heartworm disease.

How significant is my dog’s risk for heartworm? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Again, it just depends on their lifestyle and what they do. There are also areas of the country that have a much higher mosquito burden than we do. Think of the deep south, Louisiana, places like that have a lot of heartworms. That being said, we have heartworms here, so it is important, and it is something that we see quite a bit of.

How significant is my dog’s risk for heartworm? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

In regions like Mississippi, the risk of heartworm infection is significant. The Mississippi Delta, from central Mississippi down to the Louisiana coast, has the highest number of heartworm cases in the entire United States. Year-round prevention is strongly recommended for dogs living in these areas.