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How many heartworm treatments will my dog need?

How many heartworm treatments will my dog need? - Advanced Animal Care

We generally do a series of three injections. We start them on some oral medications before that first injection, and then we wait about a month between the second and third injections. We give those second and third injections about 24 hours apart. Then from there, it's about keeping your dog on heartworm prevention, finishing out their oral medications, and doing some things like activity restriction as your dog finishes out that treatment.

How many heartworm treatments will my dog need? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

The recommended treatment plan involves a total of three melarsamine injections: one initial injection followed by two injections 24 hours apart a month later. This plan has been proven to be most effective by the American Heartworm Society.

How many heartworm treatments will my dog need? - Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

Typically, we administer three heartworm treatments. We start with one injection and then a month later we give two injections.