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Where do fleas live and how does my dog get them?

Where do fleas live and how does my dog get them? - Advanced Animal Care

You'll find fleas and ticks outside. That's where they start, and then they'll get on your pet when your pet goes outside. And then they'll take a meal from your pet, a blood meal, and then they'll jump off your pet into your home or your home environment. And that's how they get inside.

Where do fleas live and how does my dog get them? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

Fleas can live in the environment, mostly on pets, but they can live in the environment for an annoyingly long time, usually about three months. They have these really protective shells or larval covers that would probably survive the apocalypse, but they are attracted by heat, and that is when they will open up. It's essential always to have your pet on flea prevention, but especially for those three months because if you're constantly cleaning your house, they can live in the sofa, in the carpet, or in the cracks between your floorboards. Trying to make sure that you're removing all of that pupa and cleaning all those areas to try and get rid of them is important.