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Can my dog still have fleas if there are no signs on them?

Can my dog still have fleas if there are no signs on them? - Advanced Animal Care

Yes. Any pet can pick up fleas; any pet can have fleas. Some products repel, just like you and I put on bug spray to repel mosquitoes, but a lot of the preventative products that we have here require the flea to bite the pet to uptake that medication kills them, so it's possible.

Can my dog still have fleas if there are no signs on them? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, it's possible for a dog to have fleas even if there are no visible signs. Vets may find fleas on a pet that the owner believed was flea-free by using a flea comb or looking for flea dirt. If a dog is not on any type of prevention and comes in with itchiness, the first thing vets will consider is flea allergies.