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Is there such a thing as a vision test for dogs?

Is there such a thing as a vision test for dogs? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

It depends on what you call a test. Fingers in front of their face, making sure they blink appropriately, dropping a cotton ball, and having them track you without making noises are usually the things we do for vision tests. If they're really scared, all bets are off. They sort of stare at you blankly with their eyes open. You're like, "I think you can see me." It's some crude stuff, almost caveman-style testing to see if they can see or if they blink when something is coming toward them. Those are some common things we do.

Is there such a thing as a vision test for dogs? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Yes, a dog's vision can be tested by an ophthalmologist, a specialty dog doctor who focuses on eyes. The test can measure whether or not there's any eyesight, but we can't conclusively determine the exact vision quality.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Is there such a thing as a vision test for dogs? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

While there isn't an eye test similar to what humans undergo, there are some vision tests conducted at the vet's office. These include tracking a laser pointer or cotton balls, and checking pupil reactivity to bright light.