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If my dog is overweight, what is the safest way to exercise them to shed pounds?

If my dog is overweight, what is the safest way to exercise them to shed pounds? - Advanced Animal Care

Slow and steady. Work with your veterinarian and talk about a diet plan for your dog. Also work on an exercise routine that includes short walks that keep getting longer and longer and more frequent, until you get to the point where they can do a bit more aggressive types of exercise, such as running and jumping, because you don't want to hurt their joints by having too much poundage on them.

If my dog is overweight, what is the safest way to exercise them to shed pounds? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Start slow, especially if it's hot outside. Begin with a short walk to the mailbox and back and gradually increase the distance each day. Ensure you have plenty of water to prevent overexertion.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital