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How much exercise is needed for each life stage of my dog?

How much exercise is needed for each life stage of my dog? - Advanced Animal Care

When they're a puppy, they're going to be more active and want to be bouncing around, but then kind of crash after a little while. They have those bursts of energy. As an adult dog or young adult dog, they're going to be more active, requiring more energy release. As they get into their senior years, they're going to start slowing down again, but it's up to you to encourage them to keep being active.

How much exercise is needed for each life stage of my dog? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

On average, most dogs need at least 20 minutes of robust exercise a day. For puppies, it's better to break that up into two or three increments of 10 minutes or more a day. Senior dogs generally need the same amount of exercise, but it can be broken up into two sessions of 10 minutes each. Keep an eye on their signs and any pain or arthritis. However, as a rule, 20 minutes per day is a good estimate for most dogs.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital