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Could a grooming product be the cause of skin conditions in my dog?

Could a grooming product be the cause of skin conditions in my dog? - The Waggin Train Veterinary Clinic

Yes, but the only way I can think of that happening is if your dog would be specifically allergic to an ingredient in that grooming product, maybe a medicated shampoo. Most of the hypoallergenic ones, by their very name, should not induce an allergic reaction. But yeah, certain ones that do contain antihistamines, antibiotics, antifungals, and other things like that do run the potential of causing an issue.

Could a grooming product be the cause of skin conditions in my dog? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Once again, it's unlikely, but it could. We're a big fan of aloe and oatmeal shampoos, those tend to be very easy on the skin, and we don't see much issue with those. Some of the harsher shampoos and products could cause skin issues. We can see some cats react to some of the topical products severely. So can that happen? Sure. Is it common? No, not really. A lot of people use Johnson's baby shampoo on a puppy, and that's actually very harsh. It strips the skin oils from a puppy, which is why we recommend aloe and oatmeal, which will actually help moisturize the coat, especially if you shampoo frequently. Another thing we see a lot is people using dish detergent because it works for ducks that have been stuck in an oil spill, but it removes the oil on the skin. It's not made for dogs. Pets have a layer of moisture on the surface of the skin or an oily layer which is important in maintaining the health of the skin. Dawn is really good at what it does, but it doesn't do good things to the coat.