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Can all veterinarians diagnose skin conditions in my dog, or do I need to see a specialist?

Can all veterinarians diagnose skin conditions in my dog, or do I need to see a specialist? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

That's a reasonable question. All the veterinarians in our practice are perfectly capable of working through skin cases. We will rarely send a pet to a specialist. That only happens a few times a year. In the vast majority of cases, we can work through it and help you understand what is going on. In most cases, we can help you prevent it from coming back. Many skin conditions don't just go away on their own, and acting quickly to control or cure skin issues can spare your dog discomfort and keep skin issues from worsening.

Can all veterinarians diagnose skin conditions in my dog, or do I need to see a specialist? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

For the majority of skin conditions, a general veterinarian should be able to guide you towards a diagnosis and treatment. However, some more complex conditions might require the help of a specialist. Your regular veterinarian can help you get started on the right track.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital