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How often does my dog need a dental exam?

How often does my dog need a dental exam? - Summer Creek Animal Clinic

The general recommendation for dogs is biannual or twice-a-year exams, and that's typically what we're going to recommend for wellness visits. Having your dog's mouth evaluated twice a year is usually a good place to start unless they're prone to breaking their teeth or something like that; if we can't control their chewing. But generally twice a year is going to be a good start.

How often does my dog need a dental exam, and how do I know they need them? - Family Pet Veterinary Center

A dental exam is what I consider an awake oral exam. That's something we do every time your dog comes in for anything, but we usually like to do it twice a year with our wellness visits. We should do a dental procedure at least once a year. Studies show that smaller dogs that don't have home care get bone loss around the teeth. All but one gets bone loss around the teeth within a year. So sometimes it happens faster than we like. A study of all sizes of dogs showed that about 44% had a problem the year after a dental procedure. Only 15% had a problem when there was daily dental home care. That's saying that it is typically needed every year. Every pet needs an anesthetic dental procedure yearly because there might be hidden problems, and some need it more frequently.

How often does my dog need a dental exam? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Your dog should have a dental exam at least once a year, as part of their annual checkup.

How often does my dog need a dental exam? - Horizon Animal Hospital

Dental exams, depending on age, are usually done every 6 to 12 months. Younger dogs typically don't need dental cleanings yet, but the teeth should be evaluated for the need for a dental usually at least once a year.