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Can dogs get cavities?

Can dogs get cavities? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Can dogs get cavities? The short answer, yes. The long answer, very infrequently. Dog's teeth are shaped differently than ours. We have teeth that are set up for grinding and making the food very, very small. Dogs' teeth are much more pointed, and they're set to shear and cut the food into chunks, and therefore there's not the flat surface to get the cavity on much like it is for me or you. The other thing is that dogs don't tend to eat the sweets we do, drink the Colas we do, or those other silly things that we do that lead to cavities.

Can dogs get cavities? - Advanced Animal Care

They can, in a sense. It's not what you think about you or I getting a cavity, and we don't do fillings here. That's what many people get for their cavities at the dentist, but we have different ways to manage them.

Can dogs get cavities? - Brooks-Falls Veterinary Hospital

Dogs can get cavities. It's a rarer type of dental disease, but they can still get cavities just like humans can.

Can dogs get cavities? - Carolina Value Pet Care

They can. Although it's very uncommon, they can get cavities. It's more common in cats. Cats are much more likely to get cavities than dogs.

Can dogs get cavities? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Dogs can get cavities. It's not very often that we see that because they don't eat the sugary things that we often eat that help break down that enamel to allow cavities. They can get them, and they can be fixed, though most people opt to just remove that tooth if that's the case.

Can dogs get cavities? - Haywood Animal Hospital

They can get cavities, but they don't typically happen as we get them. It's not very frequent that they get them, and it's even less frequent that we do a filling. However, that is something that can be done, but we don't worry as much about cavities in dogs as we do in people. They don't have the same sugar intake and things like that that really eat at that enamel. They do get other issues that need to be addressed, which can actually be worse than a cavity.

Can dogs get cavities? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Yes, dogs can get cavities, but they are incredibly rare. Dogs do not consume a lot of sugar and are not prone to cavities like humans. Veterinary dentists do not fill cavities in the same way human dentists do. While cavities can occur in dogs, they are a rare occurrence.