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How do I know if a dog boarding facility is reputable?

How do I know if a dog boarding facility is reputable? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

I think word of mouth is great. So if you have a friend referral or recommendation, that's what we love. We love it when clients recommend our clinic and refer us to their friends because word of mouth is the best. You can also look online. We're in an online world. So you can go on and look on the Google reviews, or any reviews or ratings that tell you what the clinic is like, or what the boarding facilities are like, and then even stop by and do a pre-interview before. I don't know that you would just go drop your children off somewhere with people you've never met or a facility you've never walked through. We offer you to come and walk through and look at our facility at a scheduled time. I think that would be great so that you get a feel for how things are set up and what's offered. I think the tour is a great idea. You get to meet the staff, see who's taking care of your pets, see where they're going to live, and maybe choose the right suite for them.

How do I know if a dog boarding facility is reputable? - Haywood Road Animal Hospital

Definitely come to us or your local veterinarian for recommendations. Also, look at online reviews on Google. You want to ensure that they require the medical precautions we discussed, separate dogs by the right size, have video cameras for monitoring, and have an emergency plan. If something happens while they're there, they should have a veterinarian that's accessible if the dog gets hurt.

Contributed by from Haywood Road Animal Hospital