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How do I brush my dog's teeth?

How do I brush my dog's teeth? - Oakdale Veterinary Group

To get them interested in it initially, you want to find a toothpaste with a flavor they like. If you go shove some Total or Colgate toothpaste in their mouth that tastes of mint, they may spit it out. You can buy seafood flavored toothpaste now, beef, chicken, vanilla, bubblegum. Initially, take the toothpaste, put it on your finger, and if they like the taste of it, then you're onto a winner. If they have no interest, then go find another tube of toothpaste. Once you're at that stage, you can then gently start to run it onto their teeth with your finger. You can use a soft toothbrush and just gently rub over the outer surfaces of the teeth, and fold the lips all the way back and get to these ones. If you're a pro you can open their mouth and brush inside, but mostly just focus on the outside of their mouth.

How do I brush my dog’s teeth? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Starting when your dog is young is the best approach. Choose a toothbrush designed for dogs or a small children's toothbrush, and use a pet toothpaste without fluoride, as it can be toxic if swallowed. Focus on brushing the outside surfaces of your dog's teeth and be prepared for some licking during the process, which is normal. Begin with short sessions and gradually increase the duration as your dog becomes more comfortable.

How do I brush my dog’s teeth? - Ridgetowne Animal Clinic

Start slow if you've never brushed your dog's teeth before. Use dog toothbrushes and dog toothpaste, not people toothpaste. You can also use a finger toothbrush or just water and a toothbrush. Aim to brush the outside surfaces of the teeth and gradually get your dog used to the brushing process.