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How can I help my dog recover from anesthesia at home?

How can I help my dog recover from anesthesia at home? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

One of the most important things is to keep them in a quiet, less stressful environment. You staying calm will help them stay calm. If you're worrying, they might become more anxious because of that. Make sure that you ask all the questions before you take your dog home. Sometimes it's hard to remember all those questions, so write down any questions you might have. We tend to write down go-home instructions because when we talk to you, and when people talk to me, I don't always retain that, so I like to have a piece of paper just like this, where I can reference and look at it. That has important information on how to take care of your pet. You want to make sure that if they had an incision or any stitches, they're not licking or chewing at those.

How can I help my dog recover from anesthesia at home? - Horizon Animal Hospital

Make sure your dog is not around any slick surfaces or stairs if they are still a bit sedate or wobbly. Be cautious around pools to ensure they do not fall in. Overall, your dog should be in relatively good shape by the time they go home.

How can I help my dog recover from anesthesia at home? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Ensure a calm, quiet environment for your dog, with the temperature regulated depending on the season. Avoid feeding them immediately, and supervise them closely. The recovery process is individual for each pet and we'll guide you through it.