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Are there any holistic options for dog allergies?

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Advanced Animal Care

Besides things like bathing therapies, the Omega-3 Fatty Acids in my mind would run into the holistic end of things. We don’t recommend applying essential oils or things like that directly to your pet because those can be pretty irritating to their skin. If you find a product that you may want to try, the best thing to do is call your veterinarian. Worst case scenario, they may find something in there that they say, "I'm not totally comfortable with this product, but maybe let's try this one."

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Holistic, for me, means more natural. What's more natural than just bathing your pet and using shampoo therapy to get off allergens. That's a very holistic approach. There are some topical treatments that can be used. You can find anti-itch sprays over the counter and herbal products. Shampooing can often be helpful. Some of the topical treatments, like topical antihistamines, a low corticosteroid, or even some tea tree, can help, but they aren't really that effective. It often takes your veterinarian to help get rid of that allergic itch and help them feel a lot better, faster.

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Carolina Value Pet Care

I have to be honest. I don't know about holistic products. Although, I will say that we have had clients come to us who mention they have tried things that were holistic with very limited success or benefits. I still think the basic things like bathing them are better. If you want to try an over-the-counter antihistamine in a pinch, those will always be available. Keep your expectations low with the antihistamines like Benadryl, but it's better than nothing. As far as holistic medications go, I don't have much experience, and what I hear from the feedback is that clients don't get many results.

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Horizon Animal Hospital

Holistic options for dog allergies focus on treating the whole patient and taking care of all body systems. Some holistic treatments include bathing to remove allergens, using therapeutic shampoos, omega-3 fatty acids, and avoidance of allergens. These methods can provide more natural ways to treat dog allergies.

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Hoof & Paw Animal Clinic

Yes, there are holistic options for dog allergies. For example, if your dog has allergies related to grass or other outdoor allergens, washing their feet with Dawn dish soap can help remove a significant amount of allergens. For airborne allergies, such as cats with asthma, you can nebulize your cat by placing them in the bathroom with you while taking a hot shower.

Contributed by Andy W. from Hoof & Paw Animal Clinic

Are there any holistic options for dog allergies? - Loch Haven Veterinary Hospital

There might be some, but we don't typically recommend them at this time.