Can acupuncture be used with other types of veterinary medicine? - Haywood Animal Hospital
Yes. I love to use acupuncture in conjunction with medical therapy for things like disc issues, arthritis, kidney issues, and even lymph issues.
Contributed by Patricia Wilfert DVM
from Haywood Animal Hospital
Can acupuncture be used with other types of veterinary medicine? - Two Hands Fours Paws
Acupuncture works well either on its own or in conjunction with regular veterinary medicine. For instance, in treating a patient with lameness due to a torn cruciate or muscle strain, we'd assess if acupuncture alone is sufficient or if we need to add in pain control or anti-inflammatory treatments. But it works great either way, standalone or coupled with other treatments.
Contributed by Erika Budde DVM
from Two Hands Four Paws