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Is it safe to keep my young kitten outside?

Is it safe to keep my young kitten outside? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

Some will have different answers to that question. I believe that they can be safely outside, but of course, there's more risk outside—you can't argue that point. But I believe that if they want to be outside, they can be happy and healthy. And, of course, there are certain preventative measures and vaccines that we can recommend to help keep them healthy.

Some of our kitties that we try to make indoors aren't happy inside. We can see here, especially when we see many behavioral issues that are just as important as medical issues, and behavioral issues turn into medical issues because of that stress on the body. And so if they're happy inside and they have enough environmental enrichment, then perfect. But if they like to be outdoors and have that indoor/outdoor life, I think sometimes it's kind of that happy medium or best life for them.