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How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother?

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Oakdale Veterinary Group

Most breeders will not give you a cat before about nine weeks of age. By about six weeks, they can start on solids. And by eight to nine weeks, they'll be perfectly fine without any milk. So it takes about eight or nine weeks for a kitten to wean from their mother.

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Advanced Animal Care

I generally recommend that kittens should start weaning about five to six weeks of age. So, of course, if you come across a kitten who is not with their mother that's younger than that five to six week of age, then they'll have to be bottle-fed. But if they're older kittens, so at least about six weeks of age, then we can go ahead and start transitioning them over to canned or dry kitten food.

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

That’s generally around six to eight weeks old. When you start offering them some softer or gruel-type feeding, they're going to begin to eat that more and then nurse less.

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

Most kittens start weaning from their moms usually at about four weeks of age. The common weaning time starts around three to four weeks.

How long will it take a kitten to wean from their mother? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

It depends on if the mother is still with the kitten or not. Usually, the age range for weaning is about four to six weeks old. Some kittens who are strongly emotionally bonded to their mothers may take a little more time and may still be nursing when they transition to foods around six weeks old.