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Can I give my kitten regular milk?

Can I give my kitten regular milk? - Oakdale Veterinary Group

It's best to use a kitten replacement milk from the pet store containing more appropriate calories and nutrition for them.

Can I give my kitten regular milk? - Advanced Animal Care

I definitely wouldn't recommend it. Even though that's like an age-old thing that we see, I wouldn't recommend it. It's not the best nutritional support for these guys.

Can I give my kitten regular milk? - Animal Hospital of Statesville

No. Regular milk can cause diarrhea or an upset stomach. If you're bottle-feeding, we would recommend kitten formula.

Can I give my kitten regular milk? - Blue Oasis Pet Hospital

No, do not give your kitten regular cow milk as it is not appropriate for kittens.

Can I give my kitten regular milk? - Briar Patch Veterinary Hospital

No, I definitely wouldn't recommend giving regular milk. Cow's milk usually doesn't have the nutrients that kittens need at this age. Instead, feed the kitten milk replacer, which has lots of proteins, extra fats, and nutrients that they really need to grow big and strong. These are not found in regular milk that you and I drink over the counter.