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My cat seems healthy - does she really need a wellness exam?

My cat seems healthy - does she really need a wellness exam? - Countryside Veterinary Clinic

Well, that's the funny thing. They might seem healthy on the outside. When a veterinarian starts to examine them, however, and really gets out the otoscope and an ophthalmoscope and looks in the eye all the way back to the retina, and down the ears, opens up your cat's mouth, looks for dental tartar, dental disease, feels all the lymph nodes, puts on a stethoscope and listens for heart murmurs and arrhythmias, weighs your cat, you could be surprised that we could find and uncover some things that you didn't know just by looking at your cat.

My cat seems healthy - does she really need a wellness exam? - The Drake Center

We recommend at least once a year getting your healthy cat into the vet to check their body weight, go over their diet and nutrition, and conduct the physical exam to ensure there isn't a problem that you just can't see.

My cat seems healthy - does she really need a wellness exam? - Haywood Veterinary Hospital

Yes, even if your cat appears healthy, it is essential to have wellness exams since cats are skilled at hiding symptoms. During a checkup, a veterinarian might detect a hidden health issue through a simple examination of the heart, lungs, or abdomen. Therefore, annual wellness exams play a crucial role in your cat's overall health.